Thursday, February 22, 2007

Let's talk about Snooker

Let's talk about snooker . Did you know that the game of snooker was invented by Sir Neville Francis Fitzgerald Chamberlain in India about 200 years ago? Well neither have I. And did you know that the original meaning of the word snooker was an insult to ignorant players? I had no idea. I just learned it from here. I'll end this short post (really have to run, I apologies before my loyal followers) with yet another question:
do you know what's the meaning of "snooker" in snooker?

(you can find the answer here

we'll talk again next week

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Who's the best pool player in history?

Following the success of my previous post (0 comments and still counting) I hereby announce on the launch of a second discussion:
Who, in your opinion, is the best pool player of all times?
Feel free to overload my mailbox with answers and suggestions

Thursday, February 8, 2007

The first time I played pool online

It took me about two years of playing pool online (mainly 8-ball pool in variety of sites, some of them are no longer exist) before I played pool live. It was at a party and eventhough it was the first time, my vast experience playing onilne helped me beat them all up (well, except for one, but don't let that destroy a good story).
Anyway, I just wanted to give you a preview on what's gonna be included in my new blog. I hope to post at least once a week and share with you my opinions and experiences as a pool player on the internet. And, of course, I would love to hear your opinions and experiences as pool fans. So, If you have been through similar or opposite experiences, you are welcome to add them as comments.